Why You Should Eat Chicken Eggs and How to Do So Properly

Why You Should Eat Chicken Eggs and How to Do So Properly

Chicken eggs offer you an incredible source of essential nutrients in a perfectly smooth, palm-sized package. While they do contain some cholesterol, an egg is a complete protein food. That means that it contains all of the essential amino acids required to ensure...

Bantam Chickens are a Joy to Keep

Bantam Chickens are a Joy to Keep

If you’re looking for chickens to raise for yourself then one of the first types you should seriously consider are the varieties of Bantam chickens. There are actually a large variety of different types of Bantam chickens, which have come to us from all over the...

All About Leghorn Chickens

All About Leghorn Chickens

Leghorn Chickens - Popular Amongst Chicken Breeds There are all different kinds of chicken breeds throughout the country and around the world. These breeds range from small to large, white to brown to black or spotted and everything in between. One of the most common...

The Joys of Keeping Chickens

The Joys of Keeping Chickens

For those who are thinking about raising chickens for themselves there are many different things to think about. There are factors such as where you will keep them, what types of chickens you’re going to raise and even how many you are going to have. Raising Chickens...

The Temptation of Raising Chickens for Eggs

The Temptation of Raising Chickens for Eggs

Have you ever considered getting back to basics and raising chickens for eggs in your backyard? With this highly technological world that we live in now, it just seems impossible that there are still some simple and natural things that people are longing for. Probably...

Chicken Tractors vs Chicken Coops

Chicken Tractors vs Chicken Coops

A lot of people do not seem to know this but chicken tractors are also chicken houses.   The only real difference between the two is that chicken tractors can be moved from place to place and chicken houses are fixed in one place. You can have both if you have the...

Why Do Chickens Like to Bathe in Dirt?

Why Do Chickens Like to Bathe in Dirt?

Your pet chicken will inevitably want to bathe in dirt. Raising chickens involves the need to stand some of the odd habits chickens engage in, which they have engaged in for as long as there have been chickens. Chicken coops should have access to dirt or dry sand....

An Electronically Controlled Chicken Coop!?

An Electronically Controlled Chicken Coop!?

I subscribe to Instructables.com, a great website where people post instructions on how to make all kinds of stuff--from sewing, to metalworking, to electronics. Each week they send out a newsletter showing some of the top new posts added. This week's newsletter...

Can Chickens Eat Bird Seed?

Can Chickens Eat Bird Seed?

  Cindy wrote to ask this... "Can chickens eat bird seed? I have bird feeders and the seeds fall out." Yes, chickens do fine with eating bird seed. It cannot replace their regular feed, though (some people have wanted to buy the less expensive bird seed and it...