Another popular choice amongst chicken breeds are barred rock chickens. This breed has many excellent features and qualities and (fortunately) very few negative ones. This bird is known to be quite hardy and able to deal with cold reasonably well. It is also known to be a substantial bird which can also help with colder temperatures. Not only this, but the barred rock has an interesting look to it with bi-colored feathers of dark gray to black and white. They also have bright red combs and wattles which makes for an interesting and attractive contrast.

Barred Rock Chickens are popular amongst chicken breeds

Barred Rocks are popular amongst chicken breeds.

Another benefit of this chicken breed is that they are great layers. They tend to lay a lot of eggs and they lay quite frequently. This means that whether you’re looking for eggs for your family or to grow your flock you’ll have some great luck with these birds. Some barred rock chickens have even been known to lay at least an egg every day so you’ll be on your way to growing your flock before you know it. You’ll also find that they can be very friendly to your family which means if you have children they will still make fun and interesting pets. You won’t get bored with these birds around.

The only drawback that has been touted for these birds is that they can sometimes be a bit bossy with other birds. If you have more docile chickens in your flock then you may want to watch your barred rocks around them. The barred rock chickens may be a little rough with them as some have noticed in their own flocks. On the other hand there are many who have had no trouble at all with their different types of chickens living together in one flock without fighting.

“The only drawback that has been touted for Barred Rock Chickens is that they can sometimes be a bit bossy with other birds.”

The History of Barred Rock Chickens

These chickens are considered a part of the Plymouth Rock family. There are several other chickens belonging to this category including silver penciled, partridge, white, buff, Columbian, blue and black. Most of these are actually quite rare breeds except for the barred rock chicken and the white Plymouth Rock. The others you likely won’t find as often or they will cost you a bit more in order to add them to your flock.

White Plymouth Rock Baby

Barred rock chickens, however, you can find in many different places including farmers markets and farm supply stores.


Beautiful – and popular amongst breeds of chickens.

It’s uncertain exactly where these chickens come from as no one knows exactly what breeds they are a cross-breed of. All that’s known is that these chickens are in fact American and they are also considered large fowl, bantam birds. They are quite common and are considered a dual-purpose bird because of their ability to lay so many eggs. They typically grow to approximately seven to eight pounds which categorizes them as ‘heavy’ birds. Even still they are extremely friendly and enjoying being handheld. They are a very docile bird and will do well in confinement though they prefer to be free range.

For Further Information on these beautiful birds :

Best Chicken Breeds CLICK HERE FOR : Best Chicken Breeds

Where to Get Your Chickens

You may have already guessed that these birds are quite easy to locate. If you have a local farmer’s market you’ll likely be able to find Barred Rock Chickens for sale there (remember the barred birds are quite common). You’ll likely find them in farm supply stores during normal breeding times such as summer and spring. At these times many farm supply stores have different animals for sale along with all the supplies you could possibly need to take care of them. It’s definitely a win-win situation for you.

A benefit of picking up your birds in one of these places rather than online is you can actually see the exact bird you’re getting and check them over before you buy. You’ll also have plenty of options you can specifically see and you’ll have someone right there to answer any questions you might have about your birds and what you might need to raise them. On the other hand if you purchase online you may be able to be a little more negotiable on price. You can look at different sites to find different rates for Barred Rock chickens and you can also negotiate with sellers to get the specific ones that you want. Protection Status
